Everything You Need To Know About Mosquito Services


Mosquitoes bite hundreds of millions of people a day, including you! They disrupt more BBQs than Police and nosey neighbors combined! If you can’t seem to escape a mosquito’s sting, we’ve got you covered.


Here’s an amazing statistic: Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths each year than any other animal. They can pass along a host of diseases, from malaria to dengue fever,  and can claim millions of lives. This pesky stinger is often a nuisance to Southeastern homeowners, but can be an unpleasant surprise to anyone moving down south for the warm weather. If you’re a newcomer in the area, a visitor, or a local, we provide mosquito services that you can count on.


The Asian Tiger Mosquito

The most common mosquito species in the Carolinas is the Asian Tiger Mosquito. Used tires accidentally brought this mosquito from Asia to the U.S. Mosquitoes this type breed in artificial containers such as rain gutters, bird baths, flower pots, barrels, boats, tarps, cans, and garden pools (source: https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/asian-tiger-mosquito/).

You can reduce the breeding grounds for mosquitoes by draining any stagnant water that could develop in those artificial containers.

Clark’s Mosquito Services – How We Treat


A certified & trained pest professional will walk your property to measure the linear footage, the scope for breeding sites, and empty standing water in birdbaths, plants, or anything holding water. We treat with an Integrated growth regulator (IGR) for large items with standing water, eliminating mosquito eggs and larvae. Afterwards, we treat EVERYTHING in your yard, shrubbery, and trees. We use a green pesticide for treatments around water, lakes, and ponds to ensure we do not harm aquatic life.

Our 30-day guarantee is the strongest in the industry. We only treat during the months where they are highly active, typically from April to September. But if you live in an area where they thrive in sooner months, we offer extra months to you to cater to your home.

Toll Free: 866-781-4991 clarkscsr@clarkspest.com

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