How To Get Rid Of Summer Weeds In Your Lawn

f you want to avoid spending summers pulling weeds in your lawn, you’ve come to the right place. In this post we’ll tell you how to get rid of summer weeds in your lawn, types of weeds, and proper management of them.

Weed Control: Types of Warm Season Grasses


There are four kinds of warm-season grasses that are the most popular in South Carolina:

Bermuda Grass

Centipede Grass

St. Augustine Grass


All warm season means is that they like warm temperatures of spring and summer so they can grow. In the winter they become dormant and the foliage turns tan.

Why No One Likes Weeds

As the Clemson Home and Garden Information Center puts it,

“The main reason homeowners want to rid their lawn of weeds is that they are aesthetically disruptive. In other words, weeds are ugly and interrupt an otherwise uniform appearing lawn.”

Along with their not-so-pretty appearance, weeds are “fierce competitors that will strongly compete with the turf for sunlight, nutrients, and moisture.”

Visit Clemson’s page to learn more about the types of weeds you can encounter in your yard.

How To Get Rid Of (Or Manage) Weeds In Your Lawn

First things first, you need to have a dense and healthy turf to ensure proper weed control. Proper management includes mowing height and frequency (enough so that no more than 1/3 of the blade is removed), watering rate and frequency, proper fertilizer analysis, liming (as recommended by a soil test), core aeration to minimize soil compaction, and de-thatching as needed.

How Clark’s Turf Pros Target Spring & Summer Weeds

Bermuda Grass

In April and May, we apply a spring green-up to give your turf that initial nitrogen feed to promote greening up and leaf & runner (stolen & Rhizomes) growth. In addition, we include another round of pre-emergent to target crabgrass, spurge, and some broadleaf weeds. We use a granular, slow-release fertilizer to provide up to 3 months of feed depending on environmental conditions.

In June, we apply an early-summer application with our SloGro Growth Control to boost nitrogen. The application will include micronutrients and bio-solids to help the turf with extreme heat and dry conditions. We add Iron and a growth regulator for color and improved stress relief.

Centipede Grass

In May, we apply a spring green-up application to give your turf that initial nitrogen feed to promote greening up and leaf & runner (stolen & Rhizomes) growth. Additionally we include another round of pre-emergent to target crabgrass, spurge, and some broadleaf weeds. Depending on environmental conditions, we use a granular, slow-release fertilizer to provide up to 3 months of feed.

In June and July, we apply a mid-summer application to provide another boost of nitrogen. Additionally, we include micronutrients and bio-solids to help the turf get through the extreme heat and dry conditions. Iron and a growth regulator are added for a second round.

St. Augustine

In May, similar to Centipede grass, we apply a spring green-up to give your turf that initial nitrogen feed to promote greening up and leaf & runner (stolen & Rhizomes) growth. Along with the nitrogen feed, we include another round of pre-emergent to target crabgrass, spurge, and some broadleaf weeds. This is a granular, slow-release fertilizer to provide up to 3 months of feed, depending on environmental conditions.

In June and July, we apply an early summer application to boost nitrogen in your turf, which will include micronutrients and bio-solids to help the turf with extreme heat and dry conditions. Additionally, we apply an insecticide for cinch bugs.


In April and May, we give turf that initial nitrogen feed to promote greening up and leaf & runner (stolen & Rhizomes) growth. Additionally, we include another round of pre-emergent to target crabgrass, spurge, and some broadleaf weeds. This is a granular, slow-release fertilizer to provide up to 3 months of feed, depending on environmental conditions.

In June, we apply an early summer application to boost nitrogen, including applying micronutrients and bio-solids to help the turf with extreme heat and dry conditions, along with adding iron for color.

Weeds can be a pain in your grass! Let us do the dirty work for you! Click here to read more about our lawn care services, or check out Clemson’s site to learn more about proper weed management.

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