A scared young woman clutches a pillow on a couch

Are Pests Making Those Spooky Sounds?

As the nights lengthen, and a chilling breeze sweeps through the air, homeowners often find themselves immersed in a symphony of eerie and unsettling sounds within their abodes. While horror movies attribute such noises to the supernatural, the true culprits are often much closer to home: rodents and insects. Join us as we delve into the hair-raising sounds produced by these unwelcome guests, discover practical steps to address them, and learn how Clark’s can help!


Mysterious Scratching and Scuttling


Among the most familiar sounds linked to rodents are the distinctive scratching or scuttling noises they generate while on the move. Rats and mice, in particular, are infamous for these sounds that may echo through your walls, attic, or even beneath your floors. Recognizing the potential structural damage and health risks they pose, it is crucial to promptly address the issue.

What to do:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify and seal entry points such as cracks or holes.
  • Explore our blog on “How to Rodent-Proof Your Home for Fall.”

Concerned about an infestation? Call Clark’s today at 866-781-4991!


Chirping and Chirring


Insects like crickets and beetles contribute to an unusual cacophony with their strange chirping or chirring sounds, akin to a scene from a horror movie. Although not as destructive as rodents, the persistent sounds they emit can be disconcerting.

What to do:

  • Pinpoint the source of the sound and take appropriate measures to eliminate or relocate the insects.
  • Safeguard your home by ensuring doors and windows are effectively sealed.

Whispering Wind


While not directly caused by pests, the ghostly sounds of drafts and wind whistling through gaps in your home can create an ambiance reminiscent of a haunted house. These sounds may also hint at energy inefficiency and potential entry points for pests.


What to do:

  • Seal gaps around doors and windows using weather stripping or caulking to prevent drafts.
  • Enhance insulation to increase energy efficiency and fortify your home against pests.

Don’t let pests spook you! Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991 today!


Buzzing and Humming


Pest infestations can escalate into electrical problems, with ants and termites known to chew through wiring, resulting in buzzing or humming noises and posing a fire hazard. Mice and rats are also notorious for causing house fires and other electrical issues, contributing to an estimated 20 percent of undetermined fires in the United States annually.

What to do:

  • If electrical issues are suspected, promptly cut off power to the affected area.
  • Seek assistance from an electrician to inspect and repair any damaged wiring.


The Clark’s Solution


In the nocturnal silence, the sounds of unwelcome visitors can transform a cozy home into a house of horrors. By understanding these noises and taking swift action, you can ensure your home remains a sanctuary rather than a haunt. In times of uncertainty, consult with pest control professionals like the experts at Clark’s. Our team is ready to help you identify and eliminate the source of these spine-tingling sounds, restoring your peace of mind.



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